Creativity and innovation training to inspire, engage and empower your team

This highly interactive learning experience is tailored to help teams co-create, collaborate and innovate. It’s also a great way to create engagement and camaraderie (even in a virtual environment).

Hands-on creativity and innovation skills training will help you:

  • Develop the discovery skills of disruptive innovators, and find creative solutions that add value to your business
  • Develop the mindset, skillsets, and toolsets of highly creative people in business, arts and science
  • Discover your natural capacity for creativity through a range of hands-on activities that will appeal to both sides of your brain
  • Explore creative thinking strategies and how you can apply these strategies to your everyday work
  • Experiment with ideation tools that supersede traditional brainstorming in a fun, inspiring action-filled environment
  • Develop your creativity skills in idea-generation, problem-solving, collaboration and turning ideas into reality

Topics include:

  1. Understanding the neuroscience of creativity and creative mindsets
  2. Develop key skills for the future of work: Creativity, complex problem-solving, and critical thinking
  3. Creativity principles and practices derived from business, art, and science
  4. Overcoming barriers to creativity such as the tyranny of fear, perfectionism and criticism, and creating psychological safety for conceptual risk-taking
  5. Build creative resilience in your team so you can adapt to disruptive change
  6. Fostering creativity, engagement, and collaboration with remote teams in virtual environments
  7. A framework for creativity and innovation, based on classic creative problem-solving and design-thinking
  8. Creating a culture that fosters team creativity, collaboration, and innovation
  9. Persuade and influence stakeholders to get on board with your innovative ideas


  • Unlock team creativity and innovation potential.
  • Create a language and a structure for managing the process of creativity and innovation
  • Expand critical thinking skills: Using a whole-brain approach to thinking through problems, questioning prevailing wisdom, and discovering creative solutions
  • Effective tools and techniques you can use on the job to help you discover opportunities, find the right problems, frame challenges, formulate ideas, evaluate ideas, create prototypes, test, and turn ideas into action
  • How and where to find great ideas
  • Get insight into what customers want
  • Develop a set of seed ideas creative solutions to your specific business challenges and strategies to implement these
  • Generate solutions that add value to your customers and organization


Click here for ROI on creativity 

Feedback from participants (from one week to one month after the workshop)

  • We all benefit from frameworks and approaches when we are learning a new skill or when we are trying to unleash or tap a nascent or atrophied skill.
  • One of the key takeaways was the importance of working in a small group versus alone
  • I can leverage some of the brainstorming techniques to help facilitate meetings more effectively — problem solving, solution identification. Also at home!
  • I won’t be afraid to bring up ideas. I will not always take the first solution that is presented… I will choose the best option instead. I will be more aware of the role creativity can play in solving problems and defining solutions.
  • Challenging the status quo is necessary to innovate and make our jobs easier.
  • Practising to make connections between two disparate things.
  • I learned to connect the dots and collaborate more with others to help with brainstorming.
  • Emotions are an equally effective source of creativity that is not often plumbed.
  • With a little time and effort, you can connect ideas that appear not to have a connection
  • The group is now more comfortable communicating and putting forward ideas. Definite team builder.
  • The “yes, and” session will be the most used tool in my job.


Selected clients


Clients include American Express, Cisco, Dell, Dawn, RBC, SITA, and HSBC