The Role of Art in Product Design
By Clair Byrd Many people conflate visual art and design simply because of their many similarities. Art and design both require immense creativity, an [...]
By Clair Byrd Many people conflate visual art and design simply because of their many similarities. Art and design both require immense creativity, an [...]
7 Leadership Practices for Encouraging a Culture of Creativity and Innovation There's a huge disconnect on the subject of innovation between leaders and lower-level [...]
An excerpt from The Boiling Frog Dilemma by economist Todd Hirsch and policy expert Robert Roach. The Creativity Riddle Over the past several years, [...]
How to Converse like Socrates: Guidelines from Socrates’ Way by Ronald Gross and Michael Gelb Until recently, when I listened to an audio-course on [...]
Dr Amen's seven step plan to get your diet under control and to use food as brain medicine.
By Dr Daniel Amen The brain is a three-pound supercomputer. It is the command and control center running your life. It is involved in [...]
An Interview with inventor Dr Nakamats by Chic Thompson Nakamats (AKA Nakamatsu) In my country, the drive to succeed-and the competition-is unbelievably intense. From early [...]
Instructions for Brainwriting By Arthur B VanGundy Brainwriting is the silent, written generation of ideas in a group. It was originally popularized in [...]
Air Cliché is a fun ideation (brainstorming) tool that will energize your group By Arthur B. VanGundy This creativity technique is the combination of [...]
By Douglas Eby Life is shaped as much by the future as by the past. The best moments usually occur when a person's body [...]
By Arthur B VanGundy "It is better to ask some of the questions than to know all the answers." —James Thurber New product development [...]
Arts-based learning for business: Creatively Intelligent companies The growing use of arts-based learning reflects a dramatic shift in the boundaries that previously defined the [...]
The theme for the this month is arts-based learning and development
The Art and Science of Meshworking Guest authored by Marilyn Hamilton PhD CGA, founder of It may be, as philosopher Andy Clark has [...]
By Edna Aphek In the past decades tremendous digital-technological innovations have flooded our lives. The impact of these inventions on socialization, ways of thinking, [...]
Teaching Creativity by Asking Questions By Garreth Heidt Perkiomen My first act in class this year was to have the students create "Creativity Journals" [...]
“More time and creativity has gone into designing natural habitats for zoo animals than in creating comfortable office spaces for humans.” By Judith Heerwagen, [...]
Why Managing Innovation is Like Theater By Robert D. Austin and Lee Devin A stage production and the development of your next product have [...]
Transformations: "And they’ll beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks"… By Edna Aphek, Jerusalem, Israel Background As I am writing [...]
By Lee Gass PhD In my first year of teaching high school biology I discovered a large pile of scientific magazines. I hired students [...]