Quiz yourself on the connection between leaders and artists

How many, if any, from each list are a mirror image of the other? How many, if any, match?

How the mind process art

  1. How to create and attend to qualitative relationships in the absence of rules
  2. Acting flexibly with purpose to approach a goal, dealing with unexpected discoveries and insights, exploring possibilities
  3. Learning how to explore within a medium
  4. Using imagination to see multiple perspectives.
  5. Learning to pay attention to nuance
  6. Surrendering to the arts  processes, rather than leading
  7. Learning to use language figuratively, transcending what words can never say.
  8. Creating emotionally what cannot be expressed literally
  9. The qualitative features of the arts themselves and the world outside the arts.

Creative Competencies of Leadership

  1. Noticing—slowing down, taking in more, an intensity of perception, seeking deeper meaning
  2. Subtle representation —able to portray fine distinctions, an eye for detail and relationship
  3. Fluid perspective — attuned to the dynamics of change and multiple points of view
  4. Using right brain processing: i.e. non-verbal, intuitive, holistic, relational processing
  5. Personalizing work —arts interests spill into work
  6. Skeptical inquiry —cultivating uncertainty and alternative ideas, preserving the questions
  7. Serious play —learning and exploring without rules, safe, joyful impassioned learning
  8. Portraying paradoxes, conflicts, unknown—the ability to go deeper, preserving mystery
  9. Facility with metaphor— constructing meaning, integrating whole-brain, generative thinking
  10. Making shared meanings — competency with group processes, engaging creative tensions

Here are the answers:

The Mind’s Processing of Art….#1. Qualitative relationships in the absence of rules  and #2. Acting flexibly with purpose to approach a goal
….match Creative Leadership Competency #7. Serious play — learning and exploring without rules

The Mind’s Processing of Art….#4.Using imagination to see multiple perspectives
…..Matches Creative Leadership Competency #3. Fluid perspective – attuned to multiple points of view

The Mind’s Processing of Art….#5. Learning to pay attention to nuance
…matches Creative Leadership Competency #1. Noticing — slowing down, taking in more

The Minds Processing of Art…#7. Learning to use language figuratively
….matches Creative Leadership Competency #9. Facility with metaphor — generative thinking

The Minds Processing of Art...#8. Creating emotionally what cannot be expressed literally
…. matches Creative Leadership Competency #4.Using R-mode — non-verbal, intuitive processing

What insights have you gained from this quiz?

Reflect on the answers to the quiz and consider using these to improve your leadership skills.

Source: This quiz was devised by John Cimino of Creative Leaps based on two lists of competencies. The first is a list that Eliot Eisner from Stanford University developed on how the mind processes art. The second is a list created by The Center for Creative Leadership on the Creative Competencies of Leadership.

See also

Why You Need to Cultivate Your Inner Life (as a Leader)

The Must-Have Skills You Need to Compete in the New Future of Work

Can Art Inspire Creativity in the Workplace?