Quiz yourself on the connection between leaders and artistsHow many, if any, from each list are a mirror image of the other? How many, if any, match? |
How the mind process art
| Creative Competencies of Leadership
Here are the answers:
The Mind’s Processing of Art….#1. Qualitative relationships in the absence of rules and #2. Acting flexibly with purpose to approach a goal
….match Creative Leadership Competency #7. Serious play — learning and exploring without rules
The Mind’s Processing of Art….#4.Using imagination to see multiple perspectives
…..Matches Creative Leadership Competency #3. Fluid perspective – attuned to multiple points of view
The Mind’s Processing of Art….#5. Learning to pay attention to nuance
…matches Creative Leadership Competency #1. Noticing — slowing down, taking in more
The Minds Processing of Art…#7. Learning to use language figuratively
….matches Creative Leadership Competency #9. Facility with metaphor — generative thinking
The Minds Processing of Art...#8. Creating emotionally what cannot be expressed literally
…. matches Creative Leadership Competency #4.Using R-mode — non-verbal, intuitive processing
What insights have you gained from this quiz?
Reflect on the answers to the quiz and consider using these to improve your leadership skills.
Source: This quiz was devised by John Cimino of Creative Leaps based on two lists of competencies. The first is a list that Eliot Eisner from Stanford University developed on how the mind processes art. The second is a list created by The Center for Creative Leadership on the Creative Competencies of Leadership.
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